Call for Bids to Host ACSOS
The steering committee of the International Conference on Autonomic and Self-Organising Systems (ACSOS) solicits bids to host future editions of the conference. The main website of the conference series can be found at, and the 2023 and 2024 editions, held in Toronto, Canada, and Aarhus, Denmark, respectively, are available at and
We are currently inviting bids for hosting the 2025, 2026, and 2027 editions of the conference!
Bids to Host ACSOS 2025
Bids for hosting the 2025 edition should be submitted by 30th April 2024. Bids should be submitted via email to the Steering Committee Co-Chairs, Peter Lewis and Ada Diaconescu. You are also welcome and encouraged to email the Co-Chairs for an informal discussion prior to submitting your bid.
Bids are eligible if they are made by individuals or small groups from the ACSOS research community. On request, the main organisers must be able to supply evidence of support from their employer (e.g., a university), especially if that employer will also act as the hosting institution. Bids from meeting professionals will not be considered.
The IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) is the leading forum to share the latest research results, ideas and experiences in autonomic computing, self-adaptation and self-organization.
The world is increasingly embracing autonomous systems: in robotics, manufacturing, software engineering, vehicles, data center systems, and precision agriculture to name just a few areas. These systems are bringing autonomy to a whole new level of dynamic decision-making under uncertainty, requiring autonomic behavior (e.g., control theory, cybernetics) and self-reference, leading to a range of self-* properties (e.g., self-awareness, self-adaptation, self-organization), and an approach in which system implementation and its environment are holistically considered.
ACSOS is particularly proud of its long-standing academic breadth and innovative industry contributions, and regularly features work from computational biologists through to operating systems researchers – united by the common theme of autonomous systems.
Now in its 5th edition, ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a merger of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) and the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO). As a community, we are proud of our more than 15-year history of being a welcoming, open-minded, interdisciplinary, and scientifically rigorous research community.
ACSOS traditionally encompasses a 5-day programme and usually takes place in late September/early October. Two days are typically reserved for a lively workshop program, as well as and tutorials and other satellite events. At least 4 parallel sessions need to be accommodated on these days. The main conference is typically held in single-track format, to allow the whole community to share and explore diverse ideas. ACSOS typically also includes keynotes, panels, a Doctoral Symposium, the ‘ACSOS In Practice’ track, Artefact track, as well as posters and demos. Additional facilities might be required as exhibition spaces for sponsors.
With regard to social events, it is traditional to have a Welcome Reception as well as a conference banquet. The organisers of past events have always succeeded in giving these events a local cultural flair!
We encourage proposals to be brief but include at least the following information:
- Proposed location including a short summary of why this would be a great location for the ACSOS conference
- Initial Local Organisation Committee along with the affiliation, position, and coordinates of the primary contact person that will be available for clarifications of the bid and past experience of conference organisation
- Venue for the conference, including the estimated cost of hosting the conference under the constraints described above
- The suggested dates for the conferences, possibly with alternatives
- Information about logistics such as flight and train connections (with prices from major transportation hubs), available accommodations (hotels, student housing, etc.) and their price points, expected weather at the time of the conference, other large events taking place in the area at the same time
- Potential for local sponsorship from both the public and the private sector
- Rough budget estimates including break-even points in number of registrants as well as an estimated registration fee
- Potential co-located events
Please state all budget items consistently in either US Dollars or Euros.
The ACSOS Steering Committee will jointly evaluate the bids with a particular focus on the following criteria:
- Experience of the organisers and prominence in the community
- Support of the event by public and private local organisations and the host institution
- Expected affordability of the event for researchers from around the world
- Adequacy of the facilities for the conference itself as well as adequacy of accommodations in close proximity of the conference
- Attractiveness (including travel convenience) of the host city and the surrounding area
- Adequacy of the estimated budget
- Distance to previous conference locations
We look forward to receiving your bid to host our research community!